OE5XAR back online after upgrade

The system is back online after some minor bug fixes und upgrades.

- TRX replaced
- Pactor TNC replaced
- Tuner controlls added
- internal USB-hub replaced
- some RF-blocking added

About the FT-891: I faced some annoying problems when booting the PC in combination with the FT-891.
While it worked when Windows 11 was booting without the FT-891 and connecting the device after booting, it failed
to boot in cold-condition with USB initialisation problems with that Silabs CP-converter also known from the CT-17
interface. Tested uncounted driver-versions...
Problem was solved "easily" after getting the idea that this might work: Conncet the TRX directly to the PC by bypassing the
USB-Hub. In the time before that idea came into my mind i thought several times about hitting the auto-destruct-button :-)
That sounds easy but if you first connect the FT-891 and its USB initialise without any problems you don´t see the USB-hub as
a problem.

Also the FT-891 settings for proper audio-levels took some time...

73, Roland OE5RBO

...after upgrade
...before upgrade
Winlink Linkomatic