2015 Bear 100

Wow! We just finished up the 2015 Bear 100 Ultra-marathon. 100 mile race that is all back country except for the start and finish.
Hams keep track of runners at 13 aid stations besides the start and finish. All the data is sent to net control via RMS Express as an attachment in a email.
The received data is uploaded to an online database so runners support and family can track there progress.
RMS Express worked pretty much flawlessly this year other a few computer glitches in the field.
This year there was an addition of 3 portable digipeaters and another RMS Packet gateway. This made the data flow a lot smoother. Still lots of ideas to try for next year.
There were 60 operators besides the aid station support personnel that supported the race. this included Net control and the Data team!
Weather was great and it was a good time. Already looking forward to next years event.

More info can be found at the following links:
https://adilas.biz/bear100/index.cfm (race results)

73 N7UWX

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