Sysop Blogs


I'm in the process of changing from a Windows driven gateway to one using a Raspberry Pi and a TNCPi. So there may be times that I'm not on the air. I'll post again when the new RPi gateway is fully operational.

It took longer than expected, but I'm now running "Windowless". Using an RPi-4B, 2GB, and an MFJ-1270Pi.

W6IDS Gateway Is UP Once Again

The reported shutdown was due to two quickly spaced AC Mains interruption. No surge protector in place for the power outlet strip for the microHAM interface and my PacComm PTC II modem. They both took the hit with the microHAM leaving the scene and the PTC II modem now at Farallon being evaluated for repair. I have an SCS PTC-IIe modem that I put into service.

K7DAV will be DUFN

Feed line issues after severe high winds have caused K7DAV to be down until further notice. Hoping to be up within a week. Contact KJ7NO for details.


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