
Field Day: Send 11 Winlink Messages for 200 Points

If you want to optimize your Field day score, consider sending 10 messages from your site via RF for 100 points. Then, receive your ARRL Section Manager's Field Day message via email over a Winlink link, for another 100 points. See the Field Day rules for all the info.

To make things easy, Winlink operators have set up a database of Field Day site stations that will exchange messages with you. Check out the Winlink forums in the support area and search for 'Field Day".

UPDATE: Josh, WA7FPV, is managing the list here:

Note: If you are a Google user, you may need to open the above URL in an incognito window. If you are prompted for credentials or you get a message saying you don't have access... use an incognito window. The above URL is a read-only link to the Google sheet that stores all the response data - it does not require any password or special permissions to access.

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