XE1CRG, Mexico's Hybrid station #4 on the air (xe2/n6kzb)
XE1CRG, located in Irapuato, Guanajuato, MX Grid DL90HQ is now available.
This completes the 3 year project to install 4 WinLink gateways in Mexico. XE2BNC XE1VP XE2EOS XE1CRG
7070.0 10142.0 14091.0 18107.0 Center Up to Pactor 4 and WinMor 1600
20,000 dollar funding from University of Mexico, CREBC (Baja Ca. radio club), XE2EOS, and a bit from me.
Special thanks to XE1VP Mr. Pinnila, President of F.M.R.E, who had the vision to support this project from the onset.
And thanks to XE2SI, XE2BGF, XE2GF, XE2BGF, XE1BRX, and XE1RZ, whose support and technical help is appreciated.
XE1CRG is the same system set up as the other three gateways, an Icom 7200 with emergency power.
Only difference is a vertical is being used in an attempt to favor out of the region MPS traffic.
Hope this station proves of use to the community.
Thanks to XE1BRX and XE1CKJ for the effort to get system up and running today!!.
Freqs may change as the station is running for a while, but do not anticipate so.
Please, need test connects to ensure functionality.
Thanks, Mike xe2/n6kzb
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