Sysop Blogs

On the Air... 8P6BWS Gateway - Barbados grid GK03ED

8P6BWS Gateway - Barbados
An ITU sponsored system

Now available on Pactor 3 and 4, plus Vara HF and Ardop.
A few installation bugs to work out.

-Battery backup, solar to be added later.
-Secure facility.
-Icom 7300 and OCF antenna.
-SCS Dragon 7400 modem.
-Vara FM being added later for local use.

Want to thank XE1BRX who assisted in the technical info for the local team.
Local installation team: 8P6PE, 8P6PD, 8P6GW, 8P5RE, (great and active group)!

Next will be Antigua and Guyana, thanks to ITU funding.


Computer died. Will be shipped by ground back to Tijuana, MX for repair or replacement.

It's a small Dell modified to run on 12VDC.


Winlink Express and VARA on Linux / Mac - Updated Instructions

Some changes in the latest versions of VARA had broken my earlier recipes on getting Winlink Express and VARA to work under Intel-compatible processors for Linux and Mac.

So I have re-written and tested the instructions and can reliably get Winlink Express and the latest VARA and ARDOP working on i386 CPUs using Linux and Mac OS X.

Linux Instructions:


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