Sysop Blogs

Pikes Peak Cycling Hill Climb - KD0SFY

Winlink once again worked beautifully to transfer some 20 data files off the summit of Pikes Peak to a peer station far below for this annual event. Winlink makes it very easy to not only transfer the files, but also to attach them from and save them to USB thumb drives for delivery. As in years past, we used 9600 Bd packet.

All ITU and FRME gateways restricted to 25 minutes non registered Vara HF use.

All ITU and FMRE gateways will only allow 25 minutes of a Vara HF connection, if Vara HF is not registered.

RMS Trimode version is now installed on these systems.
* Add parameter to Vara Settings screen to specify maximum session length for calls coming from unregistered versions of Vara. Specify 0 minutes to block calls from unregistered Vara. This feature requires Vara HF version 4.4.5 or later on the RMS side, users do not need to upgrade.
25 minutes is the default, it can be adjusted.

HB9PC: antenna repaired, fully operational again (80/40m)

HB9PC is now QRV again in VARA and ARDOP on the 80 and 40 m band, using its horizontal loop antenna.


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