VA3EOA's blog

VA3EOA 17 meter frequency change

In our never-ending effort to avoid QRM, the VA3EOA RMS HF Gateway's 17 meter frequency has been changed from 18.098 MHz to 18.1088 MHz.

VA3EOA online on 17/20/30/40/80 meter VARA

The Amethyst District ARES RMS HF Gateway is online 24/7 on 17 / 20 / 30 / 40 and 80 meters VARA. Operating since 2020, this RMS Gateway currently averages over 300 connections per month. It operates in Hybrid Mode, and accepts connections in VARA HF.

The station setup is as follows:
* Yaesu 857D radio operating at 70 watts
* Windows 10 computer with solid state hard drive (2022)
* Multi-band end-fed antenna by
* Backup power via a UPS and generator

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