SM5RVH's blog

New transciever online

After many years of uninterrupted service my Icom IC-725 is now retired. An Icom IC-718 has been turned on to do the 24/7/365 work as SM5RVH Winlink gateway. Use it as much as you like!

73 de Rob

SM5RVH - now internet connection OK to CMS!

Due to firewall problem my connection to CMS (both telnet and ssl) has not been woking properly for last week or so.
Now its up and running!

73 de Rob

SM5RVH - The T2FD antenna: much higher than before

The T2FD I'm using for HF-Winlink/Winmor is now much higher - over the ground - than before. Now it also has the broadside East-West (before it was North-South and the height much lower). The Tower to the left on the pictore is 24 meters high!

Please give it a try to connect to my station!

73 de Rob


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