2023 Great Shakeout Multi-Agency Exercise After Action Report

Since 2020, Winlink Global Radio Email®️ has supported and participated with the US Geological Survey (USGS) in the world's largest earthquake exercise. Past participation has been primarily concentrated within California. However, the 2023 Great ShakeOut exercise Winlink participation included an expanded effort by FEMA and their stakeholders, designed to highlight the utility of the Winlink system for emergency management. With Winlink, participants can provide accurate, timely, situational awareness--or “ground truth”--in the early stages of any casualty event. Thus, the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Regional Emergency Communications Coordination Working Groups (FEMA RECCWG), and stakeholders collaborated with the Winlink team to provide both agency and volunteer radio operators an opportunity to participate and train on the procedures of information reporting and delivery with the option of not having to depend on conventional communications. The After Action Report has been released. It provides objectives, results, and lessons learned for the benefit of the exercise stakeholders.

Download the document from the link below.

VARA Products Now Downloadable Here

VARA Products, including VARA HF, VARA FM, VARA Chat, VARA Sat, and VARA Terminal, are now hosted on the Winlink Servers for distribution. You can visit the downloads site at https://downloads.winlink.org. Click on the link to VARA Products once there. We hope you find this a convenient and quick way to obtain these program files. The files are maintained by Jose Nieto Ros, the VARA author, and they remain third-party products and are not managed by the Winlink Team.

The Winlink Team

Pactor 4 Becomes Legal January 8

January 7, 2024 -- Happy New Year!

RMS Gateway Sysops within the USA and it's Territories are urged to configure Pactor 4 if you are equipped to do so. At midnight in your US timezone, Monday, January 8 the FCC rule change removing digital mode symbol rate limits on amateur radio HF bands becomes effective. Pactor 4 becomes a legal mode in the USA.

--Winlink Development Team


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Boat Watch
The mission of Boat Watch is to maintain a worldwide network of resources to aid mariners that are missing or overdue; have a boat stolen; or to whom urgent messages need to be relayed. Winlink Global Radio Email is proud to be a partner of BoatWatch.org since 1999.

Current Watches
See Boatwarch.org for a current listing of lost or overdue vessels.

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