W0LED's blog

W0LED-10 Gateway System Update

Following a few too many instances of my gateway going down due to an old, tired power supply, it has been replaced with a considerably newer Astron linear supply.

W0LED-10 No News is Good News

Well, we're inexorably moving towards that four-letter word.

But, on the plus side, the gateway has been plugging along with no recent hiccups.

Which is good, since I'm 4 weeks + a few days since a total knee joint replacement (left) and I've only been able to monitor gateway behavior remotely.

W0LED-10 The Return Thereof To The Ether

Man! That was the longest 48 hours I've ever experienced. But W0LED-10 is back on the air.

After tearing down the laptop to the display level there appears to be an intermittent wire break in the motherboard to display cable. It's right at the point where maximum stress occurs every time the display is opened or closed. I think it's probably a wire leading to the inverter because when the screen goes blank it's dead black. So the bits and pieces of that laptop are secured for the time when I can get back to the repair.


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